MYP Curriculum
The MYP curriculum provides eight core subjects of study taught within the IB framework. This comprises of big organising ideas called key concepts, and supporting related concepts taught within a global context.
The MYP promotes the inquiry cycle in which students are encouraged to think, act and reflect on their learning.

Interdisciplinary Planning
On a yearly basis MYP students are involved in collaboratively planned interdisciplinary unit involving two or more subject groups.
One example of this is where mathematics and English language and literature combine, exploring the development of mathematical symbols throughout history and the impact the legend mathematicians have had on people’s understanding of algebra.
Language and Literature
This discipline combines traditional aspects of English Langauge learning; reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary and grammar. Students also are exposed to many genres of literature to ensure they have a comprehensive understanding of the power of language and it’s many uses.
Individuals and Societies
This subject integrates humanities subjects; Geography, History, Economics, Business and Sociology. Students explore the challenges and opportunities presented in the world today. They are encouraged through inquiry, reflection and action to create new ways of thinking and solving problems.
Mathamatics in the MYP comprises of four branches; Numbers, Algebra, Geometry & Trigonometry, Statistics & Probability. Students are taught the huge importance that maths has in todays world, both within and accorss subjects, through practical application and relections.