

Admission into King Abdulaziz School is based on successfully completing all application procedures, the required documentation, and successfully completing entrance tests and interviews. KAS welcomes applications from local families and families across the globe.

KAS requires parents to be honest and forthcoming with information regarding their child’s physical, emotional, social, and academic development. We adhere strictly to the Saudi Ministry of Education regulations on all matters relating to admission, teaching or any matters relating to safety and safeguarding of students.

Access to KAS inclusion policy is available to identified and students in need, in line with the Standards and Practices of the IB. Students will be monitored by the school to ensure that the guidance provided is appropriate and effective.

At KAS, we believe in ethical practices and transparency. We, therefore, ask for the same from our families within the KAS community, with reference to the application process. If we find that a family withholds vital information, we reserve the right to reverse the admissions process and withdraw the student from school.

Admission Committee

KAS admission team explains the admission procedures and support potential students in joining the school. The team also discusses with students and families details of the IB programmes of continuum education to support their choices. The admission team meets at the beginning of the school year to check and sort out applications and waiting lists for each grade. KAS Admission Committee includes:

  • School Principal
  • PYP Principal
  • IB Programme Coordinators
  • Homeroom and Arabic teachers
  • Head of Arabic department
  • Head of English department

Admission Officer

Admissions Criteria

Applicants will be considered for admissions at KAS based on:

  • The outcome of an interview with a member of the Admission Committee
  • Results of entrance tests
  • Availability of seats
  • Approval from the School Principal

Pre School to PYP 4 Admission Requirements

Admission into K – PYP 4 at KAS is based on an interview with the Elementary School Principal and a short assessment that includes language basic skills, math skills, fine motor skills and verbal communication skills.

Applicants in preschool to PYP 1 should demonstrate the ability to communicate in at least one language; expressing themselves, naming simple objects and retelling events in a sequence.

PYP 2 and PYP 4 applicants must show the ability to communicate in both Arabic and English languages.

PYP 5 to MYP 5 Admission Requirements

  • Applicants must sit for an interview with a member of the Admission Committee. Applicants have to demonstrate during the interview communication and listening skills, spoken English proficiency, maturity along with other personal skills needed for success in school
  • Applicants must take Entrance Tests in three core subjects: English, Arabic and Math. The questions are based on the school curriculum and are skills-based.
  • If applicants excel in the three subjects, they can proceed to registration stage.
  • If the applicants perform well in 2 out of 3 subjects, they are granted conditional acceptance to be determined by the VP academic.
  • No admission for applicants who underperformed in all 3 Entrance Tests.
  • There will be a compulsory MYP Orientation for enrolled PYP 5 students conducted by the MYP Coordinator in May.

DP Admissions Requirements

Students who successfully completed MYP 5 may proceed into the IB Diploma or the American Diploma. An introduction to both programs will be held in May by programs coordinators for current enrolled MYP 5 students and their parents.

Admission for internal candidates into the IB Diploma will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Completing the Personal Project in MYP 5
  • A minimum final grade of 3 in MYP 5 to register for Standard Level (SL) Diploma Programme subjects.
  • A minimum final grade of 4 in MYP 5 to register for Higher Level (HL) Diploma Programme subjects.
  • MYP 5 students who did not achieve a final grade of 3 in Mathematics are advised not to take an HL Mathematics course.
  • A satisfactory attendance and behavior record for MYP 5.
  • Two recommendation letters from teachers.
  • An interview with the IB Diploma Coordinator where the applicant needs to demonstrate evidence of acquiring ATL skills and IB learner profile attributes.

In addition to the above requirements, external applicants who wish to study in year 2 of the IB Diploma at KAS must meet the following criteria:

  • The student must have submitted the first draft of the Extended Essay
  • The student must had documented the CAS experiences in IB DP1 in the previous school

Upon admissions to the IBDP programme, students must register for courses based on the requirements mentioned in KAS Assessment Policy. Students may request changes in their course selection not later than mid-October and these changes must be approved by the student legal guardian and the DP coordinator.

American Diploma Admissions Requirements

  • A minimum of 70% Marks in all the core subject (English, Math, Science and Social studies)
  • A satisfactory attendance and behavior record for MYP 5 or G10.
  • A recommendation letters from teachers of previous grade/school.
  • Applicants should sit for entrance exams in three core subjects: English, Science and Math.
  • An interview with the Admission Committee or career guidance counsellor to discuss students’ future university plan.
  • SAT scores are preferred but not required

Applicants with Learning Support Needs

A special need is any permanent or temporary diagnosed need that could put a candidate at a disadvantage and prevent him or her from being able to demonstrate their skills and knowledge adequately.”

(General Regulations, Diploma Programme; March 2011)

In line with KAS guiding principles, KAS welcomes all applicants, respect each Individual differences and treat all students equally. The school building is accessible to students with mild physical disability and applicants with learning support needs must submit all evidence to the school when applying for admissions.  In addition, KAS offers English and Arabic language supports for students when needed.