

Middle Years Programme: Grades 6-10

منهج السنوات المتوسطه MYP

يوفر منهج MYP ثمانية مواد أساسية للدراسة يتم تدريسها في إطار البكالوريا الدولية. يتكون هذا من أفكار تنظيمية كبيرة تسمى المفاهيم الأساسية ، ودعم المفاهيم ذات الصلة التي يتم تدريسها في سياق عالمي.

يعزز برنامج السنوات المتوسطة (MYP) دورة الاستفسار التي يتم فيها تشجيع الطلاب على التفكير والتصرف والتأمل في تعلمهم.

  • اكتساب اللغة.
  • اللغة والأدب.
  • الأفراد والمجتمعات.
  • علوم.
  • الرياضيات.
  • الفنون.
  • التربية البدنية والصحية.
  • تصميم.

التخطيط متعدد التخصصات

سنويا ، يشارك طلاب برنامج MYP في وحدة متعددة التخصصات مخططة بشكل تعاوني تضم مجموعتين أو أكثر من مجموعات المواد. أحد الأمثلة على ذلك هو المكان الذي تتحد فيه مادةالرياضيات واللغة الإنجليزية مع الأدب ، واستكشاف تطور الرموز الرياضية عبر التاريخ وتأثير علماء الرياضيات الأسطوريين على فهم الناس للجبر.


Mathamatics in the MYP comprises of four branches; Numbers, Algebra, Geometry & Trigonometry, Statistics & Probability. Students are taught the huge importance that maths has in todays world, both within and accorss subjects, through practical application and relections.


MYP sciences use inquiry as the vehicle through which students investigate real-world issues, making connections between science and the relevant context in which it is used. Critical and creative thinking is nurtured to help the growth of novel ideas for existing challenges.

Individuals and Societies

This subject integrates humanities subjects; Geography, History, Economics, Business and Sociology. Students explore the challenges and opportunities presented in the world today. They are encouraged through inquiry, reflection and action to create new ways of thinking and solving problems.


The Arts, promote the expression of human imagination that engages and inspires its audience. The MYP encourages learners of arts to be curious; to devlop through creating and peforming; and express thoughts, feelings and expreriences.

Language Acquisition

The study of additional languages in the Middle Years Programme (MYP) provides students with the opportunity to develop insights into the features, processes and craft of language and the concept of culture, and to realize that there are diverse ways of living, viewing and behaving in the world.

Language and Literature

This discipline combines traditional aspects of English Langauge learning; reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary and grammar. Students also are exposed to many genres of literature to ensure they have a comprehensive understanding of the power of language and it’s many uses.


Design helps facilitate innovation and creativity, providing a platform to explore ideas within the boundaries/limits of products or systems. It encourages redifiining existing concepts through prototyping, testing and adjusting. Through the design cycle all students can achieve a competent level of this dicipline.


Physical health education encourages students to cultivate a healthy body-mind connection. Students are empowered through the knowledge and practice of physical activities and health education. They learn to enjoy being healthy, social and caring of the well-being of humanity